SHELTER’s expertise is in providing Safety & Security consulting for all companies and industries involved in maritime operations. Coming from a Navy background, SHELTER’s team is highly concerned with the security of facilities and equipment and, mainly, with the protection of human life.

SHELTER provides consulting services for Work Safety and Security in order to assist companies to comply with Brazilian Labour Laws and Regulations while improving operational efficiency and effectiveness.

Additionally, SHELTER offers Safety and Security Training for maritime workers, and as of 2015 SHELTER has qualified over 5,000 individuals in all of Brazil.

Our Services

SHELTER’s has provided consulting services for both public and private companies on various projects. Each consulting is tailored to each individual project and customer. SHELTER offers the consulting services in Brazil and overseas for the maritime industry in all of these segments:

  • SAR policy;
  • Policy management and employee training;
  • On board safety management;
  • Company policy and incident response planning;
  • Regulatory compliance management;
  • Developing internal security policies;
  • Safety support systems;
  • Project Management;
  • Workplace safety;
  • Regulations & Legislations;
  • Approval;
  • Management;
  • Support;
  • Strategic;
  • Operations;
  • Technology and equipment;
  • Simulation;
  • Business Plans;
  • Studies; and

The above list provides an overview of SHELTER’s capabilities, but it is not exhaustive. Due to strategic partnerships and industry contacts, SHELTER can offer a wide range of consulting services for Safety and Security on board and on land.

SHELTER’s consultancy experience has been proven to increase the effectiveness of the safety of maritime and offshore employees as well the security of vessels and port structures. The key to this success was not only improving the skills of those involved but to improve their overall awareness of both safety and security issues that can threaten them or their team. Examples of the projects conducted are listed below.

Shipbuilding Projects

  • Conducting the procedures with the Brazilian Maritime Authority (Port Authority), DPC, Brazilian Navy, ANTAQ, Maritime Court, ANP, Ministry of Labour, Health Ministry, Environmental Agencies, Airforce;
  • Application of issues related to the labour laws and work safety norms in force in Brazil:
    • NR-10 – Safety in electrical services;
    • NR-12 – Work safety in machinery and equipment;
    • NR-13 – Boilers and pressure vessels;
    • NR-30 – Health and safety for seafarers;
    • NR-34 – Work safety in the Shipbuilding Industry;

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