The Offshore Oil & Gas Industry has become a booming business since the discovery of the Pre-salt layer near Rio de Janeiro and Santos. This has become a thriving industry in Brazil receiving a large amount of investment from both the Brazilian Government and Overseas Companies.

This opportunity has enabled SHELTER to broaden its maritime knowledge to encompass offshore consulting services as of our flagship services, providing services for platforms involved exploration and production for offshore drilling.

Since the pre-salt oil boom in Brazil, many of the Directors and Consultants at SHELTER have acquired experience working in Offshore Drilling companies or Offshore Support Vessels, thus furthering their skills and knowledge, in addition to their vast experience gained as Former Navy Officers.

Our Services

SHELTER has provided consulting services for various segments of the Offshore Oil & Gas Industry for both public (being mainly Petrobras and its subsidiaries, in Brazil) and private companies, many of which are ongoing.

Each consulting service is tailored to each individual project and customer. SHELTER offers the consultancy in Brazil and overseas for the Offshore Oil & Gas Industry for the following services:

  • Marine Warranty & related services;
  • Provision of Client Representatives to the offshore industry;
  • FSO/FPSO operations, conversion feasibility and installation;
  • FSO/FPSO and offshore export tanker STS operations;
  • Deep sea and inshore towage;
  • Semi-sub, jack-up and offshore barge operations;
  • Offshore Survey and Installation;
  • Marine vetting and inspection;
  • Shipboard maritime enhanced training;
  • Port State Control preparations and training;
  • Vessel registration services;
  • Maritime Security monitoring and surveillance;
  • Manuals and Document Development;
  • Business representation;
  • Acquisition analysis;
  • Market intelligence;
  • Project Management;
  • Safety and security;
  • Work safety;
  • Regulations & Legislations;
  • Approval;
  • Management;
  • Support;
  • Strategic;
  • Operations;
  • Technology and equipment;
  • Training and education;
  • Simulation;
  • Business Plans;
  • Studies – industry, production, feasibility, hydrographic and other technical studies; and
  • Environment.

The list above is not exhaustive. SHELTER has the capacity to service myriad consulting and auditing projects in the offshore industry due to strategic partnerships and ventures with many key industry players.

In the past 8 years SHELTER has been responsible for successfully completing a number of projects that have enabled Offshore Vessels to operate in Brazilian Waters, as well as training over 5,000 staff for working in Offshore Oil Rigs in Brazil. Some of the consulting projects that SHELTER participated are mentioned below.

Offshore Projects

  • Regularization of Oil Rigs, FSO & FPSO and Port State Control preparations;
  • Conducting the procedures with the Brazilian Maritime Authority (Port Authority), DPC, Brazilian Navy, ANTAQ, Maritime Court, ANP, Ministry of Labour, Health Ministry, Environmental Agencies, Airforce;
  • Application of issues related to the labour laws and work safety norms in force in Brazil:
    • NR-10 – Safety in electrical services;
    • NR-12 – Work safety in machinery and equipment;
    • NR-13 – Boilers and pressure vessels;
    • NR-30 – Health and safety for seafarers;
    • NR-34 – Work safety in the Shipbuilding Industry;
  • Support in obtaining vessel Authorization & Certificates for operation in Brazilian waters (AJB);
  • Declaration of conformity;
  • Temporary Registration Authorization;
  • Registration for Brazilian vessels, with the Port and Maritime Court;
  • Vessel registration in the REB; and
  • Helideck approval, with DPC and DAerM.

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