Certificado Internacional em Inglês

International Certificate in English & Portuguese

All of our certificates are in English and Portuguese. The course certificates issued by the Brazilian Maritime Authority are approved by the IMO (International Maritime Organization) and recognized worldwide.


Salas de Aula Modernas e Climatizadas

Modern Classrooms

To ensure comfort and optimal learning, our classrooms are modernized and air-conditioned. The rooms are equipped with projectors, TVs, speakers, salvage equipment, tables and padded chairs. See our facilities here or come visit us.


 Professores com experiência prática

Teachers with practical experience

Our instructors have actual on board experience, and in depth practical know-how in their discipline. We have a team of teachers with extensive maritime and offshore experience.


 Centro de Treinamento Moderno

Modern Training Center

Our newly built Training Center in partnership with Azemut Trainings is completely modernized and meets all safety standards. The center is approved by DPC (Brazilian Navy) and possesses all the equipment and comfort necessary to make your practical training a safe and fun experience. Take the virtual tour.


 Transporte em ônibus executivo

Executive bus

We take the worry of commuting on the practical training day.  All transportation to the Training Center is done in executive buses to ensure maximum comfort comfort and safety.


 Coffee Break

Coffee break

We offer coffee breaks during the class intervals. The coffee break in the morning has coffee, juice and breads and the after-lunch coffee and biscuits to keep the brain active.


Almoço do dia de aula prática

Meals included during practical training

On the practical training day we will provide lunch so that you are 100% focused on performing the maneuvers on the field without losing your strength.


 Apostila completa

Complete handbook

The course handbook is available in digital format for all participants. You can check what you’ve learned at home, at work or on your phone with one click.


 Wifi Liberado

Free Wifi

Shelter students have free Wifi available during the course. So you’re always connected to check information during the course or catch up on e-mails during the break.


 Equipe de Apoio e Resgate

Support and Rescue Team

For us security is always first and foremost. That is why in every practical training we provide a support and rescue team with highly experienced professionals equipped for rescue. In addition, we have nurses, medical kits and infirmary for any eventuality.


 EPI Novos e Higienizados

New and Sanitized EPI

To ensure your comfort and safety we keep all our Personal Protective Equipment (EPI) always up-to-date and sanitized.


 EPI Novos e Higienizados

Partnerships with companies

We partner with training companies, career development and other companies that focus on providing valuable skills for the job market. See all our partners here.


 Desconto em Hotéis

Hotel Discounts

Travellers coming from outside of the city that need quiet accommodation close by, can count on our partners in the region. We have partnerships with Hostels and Hotels that are within walking distance of the classroom.


 Desconto em Restaurantes

 Restaurants Discounts

Our region is packed with restaurants, snack bars and all kinds of food. To help our students choose and eat cheaper, we have partnered with some local restaurants.



Our dedicated staff is always willing and able to help. Everyone has participated in the courses and are always on hand to answer any questions. Meet our team.

Payment methods

We accept cash, transfer, deposit, paypal and credit card.


Want to know what our customers say about us? See our testimonials page.

Páginas Relacionadas

About Us

Shelter was founded in 2007 by six Navy Captains with extensive experience in maritime affairs. The company started its activities in the market of courses and… Read more


Shelter is approved by several regulatory agencies. Our focus is to ensure that our instructors, facilities, course materials, safety and security are always of the… Read more


We have thousands of satisfied students in Brazil and in the world. See what our previous students had to say about us. Paulo Ana Victoria … Read more

Our Team

Meet the Team Shelter has a multidisciplinary team of professionals with one goal: to provide you with the best training course! We have all participated… Read more